Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Risking it ALL for the "Perfect" Hiking Photo

As I fell backwards off the picnic table, I wondered how far others have gone to get a hiking or outdoor photograph.

Here's what happened to me today:

I was enjoying a rare day of snowshoeing in Cheyenne Canyon. Along the trail, I spotted a picnic table with several inches of pure, white snow. I decided to write H.U. (for Hiking University) on the top of the table. The goal was a cool looking, self-serving photo to promote Hiking University - using snow as the medium. Well, I got the shot:

As I went to step backwards (in snowshoes) off the table, I misjudged how high the seat really was from the ground. The result was me falling flat on my back. However, I stayed calm throughout the event and managed to not drop the camera or get it wet!

Here is the aftermath of the fall. Notice how close my head came to the tree stump.

The question is, was it worth it? Was falling helplessly backwards, risking a head, bone or joint injury worth the risk? You Bet! But only because I came away unharmed : )

Do you have a good story about something that happened to you while taking a hiking or outdoor picture? Did you risk it ALL? If so, please post a comment. I'd love to hear your story!

*For all of today's photos and 900 more hiking photos from other trips, check out the Hiking University Flickr Group or my personal Hiking Photo Page.*

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